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Random Quotes :

Dogs by Mark Twain
  • "...If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous he will not bite you. This is the principal difference between a dog and man...."
Chihuahua's by Alan Stern
  • "...Just as a Chihuahua is still a dog, these ice dwarfs are still planetary bodies. The misfit becomes the average. The Pluto-like objects are more typical in our solar system than the nearby planets we first knew...."

Random Facts :

Titanic Dog's Swimmer
  • Three dogs survived the sinking of the Titanic. They were two Pomeranians and one Pekingese from first class cabins.
Chihuahua's Coat
  • Chis can be born with either short or long coats. This variation in coat type is a unique fact about Chihuahuas. The short-haired Chi requires little grooming but will need a wardrobe to help protect her from catching chill. The long-haired Chi does need regular brushing to keep her coat free of mats and tangles.

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