Chi Angeles Rescue > > Animal Shelters > > Utah Shelters

Random Quotes :

Chihuahua's by Alan Stern
  • "...Just as a Chihuahua is still a dog, these ice dwarfs are still planetary bodies. The misfit becomes the average. The Pluto-like objects are more typical in our solar system than the nearby planets we first knew...."
Dogs by Doris Day
  • "...I have found that when you are deeply troubled, there are things you get from the silent devoted companionship of a dog that you can get from no other source...."

Random Facts :

Chihuahua's Brain Size
  • I like big brains, and I cannot lie! It is a proven Chihuahua fact that, in body to brain ratios, these little dogs have the biggest brain of any other breed. This will come as no surprise to dedicated Chi lovers who know just how smart and clever their little dog can be!
Chihuahua's Size
  • A Chihuahua is a Chihuahua! A fun fact about Chihuahuas is that they come in many shapes, sizes, and colors but they are ALL still Chihuahuas! Whether a “tea-cup” size or a “standard” size; whether apple-head or deer-head; whether long-haired or short-haired – there is only one Chihuahua breed.

Categories :

Utah Shelters . .

This is our Utah Pet and Animal Shelter Category. Here you will find listings of Animal and Pet No-Kill Shelters located in the State of Utah.

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