Chi Angeles Rescue > > Listing Details

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Listing Statistics :

  • 2Listing ID :
  • 2014-09-10Date Added :
  • NeverExpiry Date :
  • CoreyOwner Name :
  • 1Total Votes :
  • 10Average User Rating :
  • 1Total Comments :
  • 332Traffic Out :
  • Listing Type :Free Lifetime Rescue And Shelter Listings

Address & Contacts :

  • P.O. Box 51083
  • Pacific Grove
  • California
  • 93950
  • United States
  • (831) 333-0722
  • (831) 333-1956

Random Quotes :

Dogs by Robert McCammon
  • "...After years of having a dog, you know him. You know the meaning of his snuffs and grunts and barks. Every twitch of the ears is a question or statement, every wag of the tail is an exclamation...."
Inside Outside by Groucho Marx
  • "...Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read. ..."

Random Facts :

Chihuahua's Companionship
  • Chihuahuas are companion pets. Unlike many breeds who were developed for hunting or herding, the Chihuahua breed was developed solely as a companion animal and does this job very well.
Chihuahua's Are Portable
  • A fact about Chihuahuas that makes them so popular is that they are very portable. They enjoy burrowing into bags and purses and love going places with their special person. Finding the perfect Chihuahua bag can make traveling with your pup even easier!

Categories :

Animal Friends Rescue . .

Listing Details :

Thumbnail for Animal Friends Rescue
Local animal shelters partner with AFRP by calling upon us to rescue animals that do not stand a chance of survival in the shelter, providing medical care (including spay/neuter) and behavior training when necessary, and finally, placing the animals in good permanent homes. These are typically shy animals, senior animals, underage or un-weaned animals, animals in need of minor and major medical attention, pregnant or nursing animals and those who have just been overlooked and been there too long. We work closely with the other animal welfare agencies in our tri-county area.

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