Chi Angeles Rescue > > Foster Form

Random Quotes :

Dogs by Ashly Lorenzana
  • "...People leave imprints on our lives, shaping who we become in much the same way that a symbol is pressed into the page of a book to tell you who it comes from. Dogs, however, leave paw prints on our lives and our souls, which are as unique as fingerprints in every way...."
by Mahatma Gandhi
  • "...The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated...."

Random Facts :

Chihuahua's Brain Size
  • I like big brains, and I cannot lie! It is a proven Chihuahua fact that, in body to brain ratios, these little dogs have the biggest brain of any other breed. This will come as no surprise to dedicated Chi lovers who know just how smart and clever their little dog can be!
Chihuahua's Are Chihuahua's
  • A Chihuahua is a Chihuahua! A fun fact about Chihuahuas is that they come in many shapes, sizes, and colors but they are ALL still Chihuahuas! Whether a “tea-cup” size or a “standard” size; whether apple-head or deer-head; whether long-haired or short-haired – there is only one Chihuahua breed.

Categories :

Foster Form . .

This is the foster form for Chi Angeles Rescue. If you are wanting to foster a chihuahua from Chi Angeles Rescue you will need to fill out this form before being considered for fostering one of our Chihuahua's.

All fields with a ASTRIC * Are mandatory and must be completed before submitting the form!!
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