Chi Angeles Rescue > > Animal Shelters > > Oklahoma Shelters

Random Quotes :

Inside Outside by Groucho Marx
  • "...Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read. ..."
Dogs by Robert McCammon
  • "...After years of having a dog, you know him. You know the meaning of his snuffs and grunts and barks. Every twitch of the ears is a question or statement, every wag of the tail is an exclamation...."

Random Facts :

Chihuahua's Size
  • Chihuahuas are the smallest breed of dog in the world. Most people won’t dispute this fact about Chihuahuas as they can be as small as just one pound when fully grown!
Chihuahua's Brain Size
  • I like big brains, and I cannot lie! It is a proven Chihuahua fact that, in body to brain ratios, these little dogs have the biggest brain of any other breed. This will come as no surprise to dedicated Chi lovers who know just how smart and clever their little dog can be!

Categories :

Oklahoma Shelters . .

This is our Oklahoma Pet and Animal Shelter Category. Here you will find listings of Animal and Pet No-Kill Shelters located in the State of Oklahoma.

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