"...Just as a Chihuahua is still a dog, these ice dwarfs are still planetary bodies. The misfit becomes the average. The Pluto-like objects are more typical in our solar system than the nearby planets we first knew...."
by Ted Allen
"...When the idea of 'Chopped' surfaced, it was originally meant to be taped at some guy's mansion with him and his crazy Chihuahua. A stuffy fellow in a tuxedo was to host, and the losing chef's dish was then fed to the dog! I am not kidding, I saw it! I think it is genius! Twisted, but genius!..."
Random Facts :
Chihuahuas are very loyal. It is a fact about Chihuahuas that they can be the most loyal of companions; perhaps sometimes almost too loyal! These little dogs with huge hearts bond very deeply with one person and can become overly protective and possessive of this person if care is not taken to socialize them well.
Chihuahuas are the smallest breed of dog in the world. Most people won’t dispute this fact about Chihuahuas as they can be as small as just one pound when fully grown!